2023 College Night

Oak Grove's Logo - Orange/Gold Oak Leaf inside an O

Oak Grove Lutheran School will hold “College Night” on Monday, January 23 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Eid Hall on north campus. This will provide parents and students the opportunity to meet with representatives from NDSU, MSUM, M-State, NDSCS, Concordia, UND, and College Smart. 

Representatives will present on different topics relating to college life and planning; such as, admission requirements, athletic opportunities, financial aid, scholarships, and filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

Following the presentations, students and parents will be able to walk around and speak with individual representatives to learn more about specific universities. Each campus provides unique tools and opportunities designed to support students through their academic journey and we encourage attendees to visit with schools they may not have previously considered!  

Please plan to attend! Let Mrs. Kroll know if you have questions.  


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